Sunday, June 04, 2006

Jim Morrison

This was a portrait I drew of Jim Morrison way back in my high school days ( about 1988) . I can see many of the obvious flaws. The ones that stands out the most, is the wavy lines in it, and areas where I actually tore into the paper with my pencil because I was pressing too hard, trying to get certain areas darker. This was, of course, before I discovered that graphite pencils came in various grades, other than #2, which was all that I used back then for my artwork. I never actually completed this drawing, because of the damage to the paper, but I decided to post it, so I can reflect on my younger days.



At 1:53 AM, Blogger ELLA ELVIANA said...

your intrerpretation of Jim Morrison is a lot better than me... and the fact that you did this in high scholl!while i did my Jim in college. great work Fae!


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